m-FINANCE CEO delivers a keynote speech at FINANCEXPO B2B
[Shanghai, May 6th 2016] The 3rd FINANCEXPO B2B, organized by FigureFinance, was successfully held on 5-6 May at the Hongqiao Yuanyi Hilton Hotel in Shanghai. As an exhibitor, m-FINANCE has touched base with market leaders and various financial institutional clients who highly acclaimed the company’s products and services.
m-FINANCE CEO Dick Tam was invited to deliver a speech on choosing trading platforms and new trends of trading. When it comes to choose an excellent trading software, Mr. Tam said, a broker should pay attention to the front end and also the back end of a trading platform. The front end, the trader terminal that allows traders to place trade, should not be complicated. Just follow these three principles – intuitive, simple and flexible, which already fit for their purpose. Regarding the back end, which plays a key role in risk management when operating the business, is there any feature that can prevent abnormal act of generating commission by IBs? Is there any mechanism to filter wrong prices and prevent executions at the wrong prices? Last but not least, a powerful and comprehensive back office system is of great importance for brokers.
Mr. Tam also shared his views on how to choose a “good” liquidity provider for your company as he found many brokers are focusing only on the spread. He stated that apart from the spread, a broker should have to understand the depth of each layer, the execution types (market, limit, ioc, fok) with liquidity provider, the trading pattern of traders, etc. All of these are indispensable. Finally, Mr. Tam mentioned a new trend in algorithmic trading that everyone can use program trade without knowing any programming languages. This kind of new algorithmic trading software can sort out the most outperformed trading signals based on trader’s trading target and risk appetite. It is a game-changer that makes green hands become experts.

In the later roundtable discussion, Mr. Tam emphasized that the unique advantage of m-FINANCE lies not only on over 10 years’ experience of developing trading software and strong clienteles, but also a one-stop trading system covering trader terminal, dealer terminal, back office system and price engine. m-FINANCE clients no longer need to appoint 3rd party software vendor to write plug-ins as the system has already covered all they need to operate the business. Besides, m-FINANCE trading platform comes with a very powerful and comprehensive back office system and a well-developed liquidity solution, as well as 7×24 support service. And therefore over the last decade m-FINANCE has accumulated many renowned clients and built up a great brand. In April 17th 2016, m-FINANCE was awarded “ Best Trading Platform Provider in Asia ” in the 2016 China Forex Expo, showing the high recognition received by the company from the Asian market.

During the event, m-FINANCE team were enthusiastic to showcase products and services to clients, including forex/bullion trading platform, liquidity solutions, MT4 solutions and algorithmic trading systems. It helped improve clients’ understanding of the company’s services as well as the company’s understanding of the market, which provides a solid base to further expand business in the future.

In order to promote the latest and best quality products and services across China, m-FINANCE will continue to participate in more finance expos in China. Thank you for your long-term support and hope you can keep moving with us.