m-FINANCE partners with Data Zoo to provide KYC & AML verifications

m-FINANCE recently announced that it has partnered with Data Zoo, a leading global supplier of electronic Identity Verification (eIDV) in the APAC region, to provide real-time Know Your Customer (KYC), Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and PEPs (Political Exposed Persons) and Sanctions Screening services for its brokerage and financial institutions in securities, futures and asset management sectors. KYC is a standard business practice globally in the era of regulation within the investment industry. Forex trading has always been highly regulated. Brokers need a quick and easy KYC & AML check to prevent identity theft, money laundering, terrorist financing, and financial fraud. Data…

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m-FINANCE has been selected by The Silicon Review as “30 Best Tech Companies in Asia 2019”

m-FINANCE has been selected by The Silicon Review as “30 Best Tech Companies in Asia 2019” recently. Dick Tam, CEO of m-FINANACE was interviewed by the siliconreview team. The full transcript from the interview is below: A Leading Provider of Trading Solutions: m-FINANCE Limited, a Hong Kong Based Firm, Commits To Cater To the Needs of the Financial Markets of Southeast Asia Founded in 2002, m-FINANCE operates as a B2B financial technology company and is the leading and most experienced Forex / Bullion / CFD Trading Solutions Provider in Asia. It offers a wide range of top-notch products and services…

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m-FINANCE awarded “Hong Kong’s Most Outstanding Business Awards 2019”

m-FINANCE recently awarded “Hong Kong’s Most Outstanding Business Awards 2018” by CORPHUB. “Hong Kong’s Most Outstanding Business Awards” celebrates the efforts and achievements of corporations in different disciplines. Enterprises are chosen by an elite editorial team which includes professional industry leaders, various members of The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and editorial professionals. m-FINANCE honored to receive this award which showed high recognition for our product and service in the industry. m-FINANCE has committed to providing forex brokers with the best technical support for the past 15 years, and always also focused on technology innovation and trading solution improvement….

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The CorpHub Interview with m-FINANCE’s CEO Dick Tam

香港經濟體系發達,中國內地也正積極發展金融業務,兩地人民都渴求網上投資平台。2002年移動財經(m-FINANCE)在香港成立,面向大中華市場,為各大金融機構搭建功能強大的外匯/貴金屬/商品交易平台。 m-FINANCE行政總裁譚志榮先生 (Dick)指移動財經交易平台是市場上少有能同時包含前、中、後台及風控端於一身的交易系統,方便交易商實行一站式業務管理,全方位監控風險和進行個人化設置。另外,他們亦發展配合平台使用的增值服務,如「經紀商+」跨平台解決方案、MT4白標平台方案﹑CRM 系統等,務求為客戶提供全方位金融科技解決方案。 全天候服務 增值完善系統 m-FINANCE的系統在安全保障和數據加密方面向來獲得顧客認可,以高端防火牆﹑完善網絡﹑數據傳輸加密方式保障客戶交易安全。交易平台發展成熟,但m-FINANCE未有停步於此。他們根據客戶反映的業務困難,基於核心平台加入增值服務,繼續完善系統,如限制IP及MAC地址等,有效防止不法人士以網絡機器人不斷買賣盤;亦有見國內網絡經常斷線,遂協助客戶透過各渠道的代理服務器去大大提升網絡的穏定性。 除了多元產品,貼心服務亦是m-FINANCE的優勢。m-FINANCE提供24小時全天候服務、系統培訓和顧問講解,服務到位而即時。他們與投資銀行及券商長期合作,詳細了解客戶業務和特別需要,為其度身訂做﹑安裝及設定系統;也與每個客戶設有專門的通信群組,及時為客戶解決疑難。 溝通互信 達到雙贏 m-FINANCE向來積極拓展內地市場。筆者問及香港及國內客戶的分別,Dick表示,香港金融體系發展多年,香港客戶熟悉交易平台,但交易平台對國內客戶來說存在較多誤解,需要向他們普及相關資訊,多番溝通。 另外,部分客戶在驗收系統時未有認真測試系統,待系統運行一段時間後才提出修改。為避免誤會,m-FINANCE會以書面寫下客戶所有要求,時刻與客戶交流。「曾有客戶在整個修改過程中都說『好』,交貨後才說當時沒有測試清楚,需要進一步更改。」m-FINANCE除盡量幫顧客修改外,更會講解正確做法,督促他們仔細試用系統。客戶也被這認真的態度所感染,直言先前過於疏忽。「有時候責任在顧客,我們會指出問題所在,要讓他們明白自己應該承擔什麼責任,這樣他們才能和其他公司合作順利。」 緊貼市場 與時並進 Dick又認為,比起搭建交易平台,溝通的時間成本才是最高的。「有些公司想節省這些時間,我們則認為必須花時間在溝通上。客戶不一定理解科技和市場,要向他們灌輸新知識,解釋市場趨勢是什麼,如何在當中應用科技,走到最前。」 Dick提起自2014年起m-FINANCE已為客戶提供全自動的風險對沖服務,轉移風險至國際市場。但該時市道蓬勃,客戶並沒有意識到對沖服務的急切性。直至2015年市場開始逆轉,客戶便發現對沖的重要性。「市場需要時間增加對產品的認知,我們捕捉先機,為企業客戶創造屬於他們的穩健交易平台。」 另外,Dick相信金融行業對區塊鏈應用的討論會越來越多。未來,m-FINANCE也會投放資源,進行區塊鏈相關應用服務上的開發及技術支持,並藉由區塊鏈技術提升交易系統的安全性及透明度。 corphub.hk 文:易琦 | 攝:Johnny Li製作:Insight Media 原文:corphub.hk

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m-FINANCE’s Great Success at iFX EXPO Asia

The iFX EXPO Asia 2019 was successfully held on January 23-24 at Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center. m-FINANCE, the leading forex/bullion technology provider, was delighted to be exhibiting this year and took this opportunity to meet in person our valued clients and partners from all over the world. m-FINANCE team were exhilarated by the big turnout at our booth and received a lot of positive feedback for our advanced trading solutions, especially for the MT White Label Solutions, CRM System, and the brand-new Trade TV App.  MT4 white label is a simple and cost-effective solution for start-up forex/bullion brokers….

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m-FINANCE Signs Liquidity Partnership with Divisa Capital

m-FINANCE, the most prominent forex/bullion trading solution provider in Asia, has announced an alliance with Divisa Capital as its latest liquidity partner to offer the brokerage clients direct access to Divisa’s aggregated liquidity pools. “Divisa Capital is one of the fastest growing non-bank liquidity providers in the industry. We have known Divisa Capital for many years and we are extremely proud to welcome Divisa Capital as our global liquidity provider to allow our clients’ access to deep and executable liquidity sources on a global scale.” Dick Tam, CEO of m-FINANCE said. “Our elite trading technology of liquidity solution combined with…

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m-FINANCE Wins Global Excellence Awards for Most Outstanding Trading Platform Provider 2017 – Hong Kong

m-FINANCE, the most experienced and trustworthy Forex /Bullion trading solutions provider in Asia, is delighted to announce that its innovative trading platform has been selected as the Most Outstanding Trading Platform Provider – Hong Kong at the 2017 Global Excellence Awards from Acquisition International, a UK-based corporate finance magazine with a global readership. The  award salutes the prominent achievement and exceptional service of those firms and individuals in the year of 2017. “We are truly proud and appreciative of this significant achievement since our products and services are recognized by the clients and also the industry specialists globally,” commented by…

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m-FINANCE Achieved Great Success at the Asia Trading Summit 2018

The Asia Trading Summit 2018, one of the China’s leading investment events, was grandly held on March 21 – 23 at Shanghai Exhibition Center, which gathered thousands of executives and professionals descending upon Shanghai. m-FINANCE, the most trustworthy Forex/Bullion trading solution provider, is pleased to sponsor this prestigious event for the second time to showcase its state-of the-art technology and innovative one-stop trading solutions for institutional clients from around the globe. China’s Forex market is now faced with lots of opportunities and challenges, and the majority of the clients were very interested in various kinds of services to assist them…

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m-FINANCE and Invast Global Enter Strategic Partnership

m-FINANCE, the leading forex/bullion trading solutions provider in Asia, is pleased to announce that the company has entered into a new liquidity partnership with Invast Global, an ASIC regulated prime broker based in Sydney, Australia, to offer the industry-leading liquidity to its brokerage clients. Invast Global was recently named the” Best Specialist Prime Broker” at the Hedgeweek Global Awards 2018 in London. Dick Tam, CEO of m-FINANCE, commented: “We are very excited to have Invast Global as our strategic partner on their bespoke liquidity. We have been in this market for over 15 years and have a very strong presence within…

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m-FINANCE marks success of iFX EXPO Asia

The iFX EXPO Asia 2018, the first and largest financial Business to Business Expo in the world, was successfully held from January 23 – 25, 2018 at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. The event brought together over 4,000 attendees and more than 90 exhibitors from around the globe this year. m-FINANCE was proud to be participating for the third time at this prominent international event to showcase its latest cutting-edge technology as a leading and most experienced financial trading solutions provider in Asia, and also further expand its relations with existing and various institutional clients and partners. During…

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