m-FINANCE awarded “The Best Forex Platform Provider” at Zhengzhou Finance Expo

[Zhengzhou, June 19th 2016] Zhengzhou Finance Expo 2017 kicked off in a pleasant atmosphere on 16 June and over 30,000 industry professionals and investors were gathered under one roof. This three-day event attracted over 60 exhibitors and m-FINANCE took this great opportunity to showcase some of the most innovative technologies in the finance industry. It was with great pride that m-FINANCE received an award of “The Best Forex Platform Provider” in recognition of its contribution in FinTech industry. Determining in Innovation: Groundbreaking “Broker+” Solution and AI Automated Trading System m-FINANCE selected a prime booth location in the event and numerous…

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Great Success of m-FINANCE at the IFINEXPO 2017 in Shanghai

[Shanghai, May 10th 2017] The 6th  International Financial B2B Expo held in Shanghai International Convention Center came to a successful end on May 10th , 2017. m-FINANCE, the leading forex /bullion trading platform provider, has taken the opportunity to showcase the latest fintech solutions and services for brokers and received near-endless stream of visitors.   The IFINEXPO-Shanghai 2017 had a huge turnout of visitors. The industry leaders shared ideas on the MT4 alternatives, liquidity solutions and the rise of automated trading solutions. China’s forex market is now facing both opportunities and challenges, and many brokers inquired about how to build their own forex trading…

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m-FINANCE at Asia Trading Summit 2017 Shanghai

[上海,2017年4月7日]2017亞洲交易博覽會於2017年3月29-31日在上海展覽中心圓滿舉行。本次展會匯集了超過3000外匯界精英人士,有來自海外和本土的交易商、經紀商、代理以及各企業分支機構,作為大中華地區知名的金融及資訊科技企業,移動財經獲邀參展並取得了圓滿成果,在此感謝所有蒞臨我公司展位的朋友們。 本次亞洲交易博覽會聚集了極高的人氣,移動財經的展位更是吸引了眾多的經紀商、意向合作商的咨詢和洽談。目前搭建外匯交易系統的需求非常巨大,作為一站式的交易解決方案提供商,移動財經從自動交易軟件、交易平台搭建、流動性解決方案、MT4接橋和插件、以及手機應用程式都佔有獨特的優勢。移動財經的流動性解決方案能為經紀商提供全自動的風險對沖服務,並允許自由切換A-Book和B-Book模式,目前已經和許多和國際流動性提供商達成合作,比如IG、Sucden Financial和嘉盛集團,能為經紀商提供低點差、高執行率的優質交易體驗。展會期間,全新的金融投資社交APP金融大俠也引來了許多參觀者的問詢,APP不僅提供了豐富多元的財經資訊,更是匯集了眾多的投資達人來分享個人投資經驗以及進行模擬交易比拼,是個人投資者、專業分析師、外匯經紀商必備的一款APP。 是次參展效果非常理想,移動財經借此機會向來自世界各地的經紀商和合作夥伴展示了公司全新的外匯及貴金屬交易解決方案,也與業內精英人士探討交流了市場狀況,在未來的發展規劃中,移動財經將依托強大的金融科技實力,提供更創新的產品和更專業的服務,為外匯及貴金屬經紀商保駕護航。

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m-FINANCE Highlights its Flagship Trading Solutions at iFX EXPO Asia 2017

[Hong Kong, February 23rd 2017] With over 80 exhibitors and sponsors and more than 2500 attendees, the largest financial B2B convention iFX EXPO Asia 2017 was held successfully in Hong Kong’s Exhibition and Convention Center from February 21-23. After a very successful exhibition last year, m-FINANCE was excited to join this outstanding event again to showcase its full service brokerage solutions and explore new business opportunities with the industry experts. At the exhibition, m-FINANCE showcased a series of core products and services.  Apart from the proprietary platform mF4, m-FINANCE also provides MetaTrader plug-ins and applications including MT4 PAMM, MT4 Liquidity Bridge,…

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m-FINANCE Announced Partnership with the Largest Retail FX Broker, IG, to Provide Deeper Liquidity

[Hong Kong, February 6th 2017] m-FINANCE Limited, the leading Forex/Bullion trading solutions provider in Greater China, is pleased to announce a new strategic partnership with IG to allow m-FINANCE’s brokerage clients to access IG’s tight spreads and superior liquidity. With the headquarters based in the UK, IG is the largest retail FX broker by market capitalization and the world’s largest CFD provider by revenue*. Dick Tam, CEO of m-FINANCE, commented: “We are very excited to announce our partnership with IG and look forward to offer the best-in-class trading experience to our brokerage clients in terms of best execution and most competitive…

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m-FINANCE awarded “Best Forex Trading Solutions Provider – Asia” & “Most Innovative Trading System”

[Hong Kong, January 23rd 2017] m-FINANCE has been recently voted “Best Forex Trading Solutions Provider – Asia” and “Most Innovative Trading System: mF4 Trading System” in the 2016 APAC Business Awards issued by UK-based APAC Insider magazine. The APAC Business Awards seek to recognize and celebrate the world’s leading firms and individuals for their stellar performance over the past 12 months. All the winners are voted by respected industry individuals and in-house research. Stephen Lam, Managing Director of m-FINANCE, said: “We feel very honored to receive these awards by APAC Insider. m-FINANCE is a company that is always looking to grow, but in a way in which…

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m-FINANCE showcases new automated trading system in Beijing IFINEXPO

[Beijing, September 22nd 2016] The 4th International Financial B2B Expo (IFINEXPO), organized by FigureFinance, was successfully held on 21-22 September at China National Convention Center in Beijing. As an exhibitor, m-FINANCE has greatly benefited from the event by touching base with market leaders and various financial institutional clients. m-FINANCE CEO Dick Tam was invited to deliver a speech on the new trends of automated trading systems. Expert Advisor (E.A.) is recognized as the major automated trading system in the market, Mr. Tam said, however, the threshold of E.A. programming is a bit too high to be mastered by general traders. For example,…

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m-FINANCE and Tradency Partner to Provide Automated Trading Solutions

[Hong Kong, August 16th 2016] m-FINANCE is pleased to announce that it has partnered with Tradency, a world-class fintech company, to provide the automated trading solutions of Mirror Trader and RoboX to its top tier brokers and other institutional clients. Established in 2005, Tradency invented the concept of mirror trading and has been serving more than 40 top tier global financial institutions and 1.5 million traders with more than 1 million unique strategies. The newly established cooperation between m-FINANCE and Tradency will provide m-FINANCE’s top tier brokers and financial institutions in mainland China and Hong Kong with Tradency’s Mirror Trader and RoboX,…

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m-FINANCE CEO delivers a keynote speech at FINANCEXPO B2B

m-FINANCE CEO delivers a keynote speech at FINANCEXPO B2B [Shanghai, May 6th 2016] The 3rd FINANCEXPO B2B, organized by FigureFinance, was successfully held on 5-6 May at the Hongqiao Yuanyi Hilton Hotel in Shanghai. As an exhibitor, m-FINANCE has touched base with market leaders and various financial institutional clients who highly acclaimed the company’s products and services.  m-FINANCE CEO Dick Tam was invited to deliver a speech on choosing trading platforms and new trends of trading. When it comes to choose an excellent trading software, Mr. Tam said, a broker should pay attention to the front end and also the back end…

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