
All-New Trader Pro: Brokers Can Now Have Their Own Branded Mobile Trading App

m-FINANCE (“mF” or “m-FINANCE”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nasdaq-listed mF International Limited (Nasdaq: MFI), has recently launched the upgraded version of its mobile trading application, Trader Pro. Specifically designed for bullion and forex brokers, Trader Pro delivers efficient trade execution and advanced market analysis functions. The highlight of this upgrade is its enhanced compatibility: Trader Pro now integrates not only with m-FINANCE’s mF4 trading system, it can also support other mainstream trading systems. This breakthrough allows brokers to launch their own branded mobile trading apps, complete with unique logos and customizable branding. Key Features of the Upgraded Trader Pro: Supports…

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m-FINANCE Honored with the 2023-24 “Good MPF Employer” Award

m-FINANCE Limited (“mF” or “m-FINANCE”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of NASDAQ-listed m-FINANCE International Limited (ticker symbol: MFI), has recently been awarded the 2023-24 “Good MPF Employer” by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (“MPFA”) of Hong Kong. This prestigious honor highlights m-FINANCE’s outstanding efforts in safeguarding employee retirement benefits and fostering employee well-being, while showcasing m-FINANCE’s commitment to being a model employer and embracing corporate social responsibility. The “Good MPF Employer” Award Program, established by the MPFA in 2015, aims to promote and foster employers’ compliance with MPF legislation, encourage employers to provide better retirement benefits for their employees, and recognize…

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m-FINANCE Embarks on Global Expansion as NASDAQ Bell Rings

The holding company of Asia’s leading forex and bullion trading system provider, m-FINANCE Limited (“mF” or “m-FINANCE”), mF International Limited (NASDAQ: MFI), celebrated its official NASDAQ listing with a bell-ringing ceremony at the NASDAQ Stock Exchange on August 5, 2024, US time.   The bell-ringing ceremony was first hosted by a NASDAQ executive, who gave a welcome speech. Then Mr. Dick Tam, CEO and co-founder of mF International, delivered a brief opening remark. At 3:59:50 pm, guests and the audience counted down together to strong music accompaniment, and at exactly 4:00:00 pm, the NASDAQ closing bell was rung. Applause, cheers…

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m-FINANCE Successfully Listed on NASDAQ with Ticker Symbol MFI

The holding company of Hong Kong’s leading financial trading solution provider m-FINANCE Limited (“mF” or “m-FINANCE”), mF International Limited (“MFI”), has proudly completed its Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) on April 24, 2024, on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. The IPO involved the issuance of 1.67 million ordinary shares at a public offering price of US$4.50 per share, receiving aggregate proceeds of US$7.5 million from the offering. The ordinary shares began trading on the Nasdaq Capital Market on April 22, 2024 under the ticker symbol “MFI”. This significant milestone in m-FINANCE’s growth will enable the company to expand its services and reach…

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The CorpHub Interview with m-FINANCE’s CEO Dick Tam

金融科技在香港日漸普及,其涵蓋的區塊鏈、雲端運算和大數據技術逐漸應用在不同金融服務範疇上,服務效率大幅度提升。移動財經(m-FINANCE)是香港金融科技行業的先驅,亦是行業中的佼佼者,向客戶提供外匯、貴金屬和大宗商品的交易平台搭建服務,同時提供各項科技產品,包括mF4交易平台解決方案﹑CRM系統和Copy Master跟單大師手機應用程式等等。   適逢移動財經成立20週年,行政總裁譚志榮Dick Tam總括二十年來公司的發展,他說︰「過去二十年,我們在亞洲市場發展得有聲有色,業務穩健,未來我們希望擴展版圖,打進歐美市場,令移動財經成為業界首屈一指的金融科技公司。」 穩建業務基礎上與時並進 金融行業變化急速,Dick指市場洪流是避不開,要在市場上生存必須接受變化,甚至對市場變化反應迅速。以往金融交易主要透過電腦處理,手機交易仍未普及,然而移動財經早在2011年已開發手機應用程式,讓投資者可以在手機上進行交易買賣。「近幾年我們再推出『跟單大師』,融合社交平台元素,除了有討論區功能外,還加入投資大師直播功能,分享投資心得。」Dick笑言︰「所以,歷史悠久的公司不一定等於保守,只要有熱誠,都可以積極創新。」   創新對於金融科技十分重要,但Dick認為創新只是公司向前邁進的其中一條腿,公司要長遠發展,亦需要穩健的業務基礎。「疫情期間,不少人看到金融科技的大好前景,紛紛成立初創企業。他們有創意,但沒有紮實基礎,漸漸就在這個舞台退下。」Dick感謝背後龐大而專業的團隊,令公司得以穩健發展,他說︰「我們有不同部門共同努力,有研發測試的部門,有市場部,有銷售部,如一塊塊拼圖,組合起來就成為移動財經。」   精準貼心服務 奪得客戶信任 Dick分享多年來經營移動財經的心得,他認為一間金融科技公司提供的服務一定要準確而貼心。「市場交易是即時的,而且往往牽涉大銀碼,必須謹慎處理。」進行金融交易,安全性的問題亦是另一大重點,Dick續言︰「若系統出現安全漏洞,導致客戶交易時金額多了一個零或少了一個零,都是影響重大。」因此,移動財經交易系統在不同交易環節都會將資料進行特別加密,確保交易過程安全無礙。「我們更可限制特定IP地址的裝置才能登入後台,同時每次任何人員在後台操作的詳細資料都會記錄在日誌(Log)內,假如日後系統出現任何問題時,我們都可以追溯根源。」   每個行業、每間公司的經營模式都不一樣,倒模式的交易平台未必符合客戶需求。移動財經會為客戶量身訂製系統,最近就為香港金銀業貿易場(CGSE)創建了黃金交易系統,系統從零開始到正式面世不過幾個月時間,效率之高得到貿易場的高度加許。「不論在功能﹑使用體驗和介面上,我們都盡量把他們的想法實現出來。例如建立了一套交易編碼自動化審批機制,不但簡化了審核流程,而且減少審核錯誤的情況。」Dick形容移動財經猶如業內的中心樞紐,他們會加強與客戶和金融機構的溝通,致力發展更多具前膽性的產品。 人才是公司長遠發展的基石 移動財經對開發人員有嚴謹要求,除了要有豐富的資訊科技知識外,還要對金融行業有一定認識。「我們有七成同事具備最少五年金融行業資歷,對行業有認識才能消化並且滿足到客戶的要求。這不單只是編寫程式的工作,而是如何編寫出切合該金融產品特質的平台,是有很大分別。」   香港資訊科技領域的人才輩出,可是人才覓到後卻難以挽留,Dick笑指移動財經曾經是木人巷。「不少同事來到我們這裏工作幾年後就被投資銀行高薪挖角。雖然無奈,但都了解他們的想法。」近幾年,移動財經不斷深化公司文化以吸引人才。就結果來看,Dick表示近年人才流失情況確是緩止了。「公司的自由度頗大,我們鼓勵員工嘗試負起職能以外的職務。我們經常提醒同事不要被職位限制自己。加上,公司同事之間關係融洽,不會有人事壓力。」   展望未來,Dick認為金融科技行業將會越發蓬勃,而移動財經亦會把握機遇,創造下一個光輝二十年。 文:Timothy〡攝:Leo,Lung 製作:Insight Media 原文

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m-FINANCE assists CGSE to launch the brand-new Gold Trading Platform

m-FINANCE is pleased to announce that the brand-new Gold Trading Platform (GTP) developed for the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange (CGSE) has officially launched. m-FINANCE, as its designated technology provider, built the new system from scratch in just a few months – a feat that is highly praised by CGSE. The Brand-new GTP for CGSE Dick Tam, CEO of m-FINANCE, said: “It’s a pleasure for us to work with CGSE for the GTP project. m-FINANCE is involved in the whole development process including the initial requirements identification and the final system deployment. We trust each other and enjoy our cooperation…

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m-FINANCE awarded “Greater China‘s Most Outstanding Forex/Bullion Trading Platform of the Year”

Recently, forex/bullion trading technology provider m-FINANCE was awarded “Greater China‘s Most Outstanding Forex/Bullion Trading Platform of the Year” at the Hong Kong’s Most Outstanding Business Awards 2022 presented by CORPHUB, confirming its industry-leading position in Hong Kong and the market recognition of its business performance and product innovation. CORPHUB runs The Most Outstanding Business Award to the most recognized enterprise annually, aiming to showcase enterprises that are on the rise and how they got to where they are, by celebrating the efforts and achievements of corporations in different disciplines. They also want to showcase the environments that each corporation carefully…

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m-FINANCE awarded “Top CRM Solution Provider in APAC 2021” by MarTech Outlook

m-FINANCE, the leading FX broker technology provider, has been recognized as “Top Customer Relationship Management Solution Providers in APAC 2021” by MarTech Outlook, a leading marketing technology magazine for executives which provides the latest trends and profound insights on the changing industries and introduction of innovative technologies and solutions. m-FINANCE’s Forex CRM is a flexible and customized customer relationship management system developed exclusively for forex brokerage companies who are dedicated to offering top level experiences to both traders and IBs. It can streamline online client/IB registration, KYC and AML processes, manage multi-tier rebate settings as well as online processing of deposits…

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m-FINANCE was invited to converse at the Innovation and Technology Transformation Seminar

On September 7, 2021, Alibaba Cloud and the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange (CGSE) jointly organized a seminar about Innovation and Technology Transformation for the Hong Kong bullion industry. Stephen Lam, the managing director of m-FINANCE was invited as the speaker to the seminar to discuss with the industry experts and professionals how to utilize innovative technology to promote the development of the bullion industry and improve the security and stability of electronic trading platforms.   The seminar mainly covered the following topics: • Feasible solutions for the bullion industry under the financial regulation • How to improve transaction speed…

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m-FINANCE Signs Cooperation Agreement with CGSE

m-FINANCE, a leading Forex/Bullion trading solutions provider, recently announced that it has signed a cooperation agreement with the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange(CGSE). m-FINANCE will serve as the designated technology provider to jointly develop a new electronic trading system with CGSE.     The vendor screening and selection process were highly rigorous. m-FINANCE, with its rich market experience, strong technical knowledge, and superb industry reputation, was finally nominated as the technology provider for CGSE’s new electronic trading system. The signing ceremony was successfully held on May 11, 2021 at CGSE. Dick Tam, CEO of m-FINANCE and Brian Fung, CEO of…

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